Ling Long is a fine dining restaurant of modern Chinese cuisine in Beijing. When Ling Long is not in operation during the day, the restaurant area is transformed into a flower studio.
To accommodate the duality, the restaurant was divided into different zones structured by different furniture groups: the flower fountain in the center, surrounded by the serving stations. Around it is the table arrangement, while the outer zone acts as a lounge area and circulation space.
During the day, when the flower studio uses the space to prepare arrangements ordered online, the fountain serves as a water supply for the freshly cut flowers. Tables are arranged closely in the center and below each other to ensure an effective flow of work, from the preparation of raw materials at the top to the finished arrangements ready for pickup at the bottom.
At night, the flower opens up and the tables have more space between them to create a fine dining atmosphere. The fountain in the center holds the daily flower arrangements made from the day's leftovers.
The tables have two different sizes, one for two people and one for four to six people. Their petal shape not only adds to the overall look, but also provides space at their tapered end for supplies such as bottles and spices, allowing people to sit closer together.
The tabletops are made of a single ceramic plate produced in Jingdezhen, the "porcelain capital" known for its ancient porcelain production. The glaze with its color gradients is handmade and differs from table to table.
The terrazzo floor is made with colored shards glass, reminiscent of scattered petals.